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X9.100-187 Solution



X9.100-187 replaces the use of DSTU X9.37 and establishes the basis for U.S. check image exchange involving settlement between two financial institutions. It fixes and clarifications identified in various industry companion documents associated with DSTU X9.37. It also establishes requirements and limitations that are compatible with current industry practice. However, this standard maintains flexibility in order to accommodate the needs of different institutions and exchange networks. It does not have the extent of flexibility contained in ANS X9.100-180 and is not intended to cover all types of image exchange.

This standard does not address operational, implementation, or settlement issues. These issues may include, but are not limited to, a choice of: data and image compression, encryption, and transmission specifications and data representation. The informative annexes attached to this standard provide information that may prove useful to those planning to implement the standard.


XEditor - X9.100-187 Viewer & Editor

XEditor is our product that allows to view, analyze, validate, edit and print the contents of X9 Image Cash Letter files. It can support :

  • DSTU X9.37-2003
  • DSTU X9.37-2003 - ICL Customer Document of FRB
  • X9.100-180-2006
  • X9.100-180-2006 TECP
  • Universal Companion Document(UCD)
  • X9.100-187-2008
  • X9.100-181 (Check Image Validation)

Three kind of license versions are provided:

  • Free version - free to use
  • Validator version - license required
  • Editor version - license required



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DigerTech Inc Pixel
DigerTech Inc Pixel
DigerTech Inc Pixel
DigerTech Inc Pixel