



1. Introduction


1.1 Welcome

DigerTech Inc.

Thank you for using the XEditor file viewing program. The XEditor is a Java application that allows to view the check images, data fields and records of X9 Image Cash Letter files. Three kind of license versions are provided:

This document introduces how to use the XEditor. If you have other questions of XEditor, please send an email to support@digertech.com. You may visit our web site (http://www.digertech.com) for more information.

1.2 Free Version

Free Version

This free version is allowed to view the check image within an X9 Image Cash Letter file.

License is required for Validator or Editor version to provide more ICL file processing features.

1.3 Validator Version

Validator Version

Features of the XEditor validator version:

1.4 Editor Version

Editor Version

In addition to the features of Validator Version, the Editor Version is enable to edit a X9 Image Cash Letter file to fix and correct problems in the X9 Image Cash Letter file.

1.5 Control Panel

Control Panel


The Control Panel lists all the records of the X9 Image Cash Letter file in hierarchical structure.

Color balls indicate the validation status of the record. If the record contains problem in error level, the color of the ball is red; if there are problems in warnings level, the color of the ball is yellow; otherwise, the color of the ball is green.

Select the records in the control panel, the content of the record fields are displayed in the record panel. All the validation problems are listed in the Problem Panel.


1.6 Record Panel

Record Panel

Record Panel displays field detail information of the selected record node in the Control Panel.

 - Indicate the field has problem in warning level
 - Indicate the field has probelm in error level

Select the field with problem(s), the problem rows in the the Problem Panel will be highlighted.

1.7 Problem Panel

Problem Panel

Problem Panel displays all validation problems in the Image Cash Letter file. XEditor can validate the file automatically as the file is opened or changed.The problem report can be saved to a CSV file.

 - Indicate the problem in warning level
 - Indicate the probelm in error level

Select the problem, the field with the probelm is highlighted in the Record Panel.

The problem level can be changed:  Performances=>Validation

1.8 Image Panel

Image Panel

Image Panel displays the check image of Image Check Data (Type 52) record.

To zoom in/out the check image:

To pop up the detail of image, double click the check image.

2. Features


2.1 Run XEditor

Run XEditor

To run the XEditor:

2.2 Open File

Open File

To open the Image Cash Letter file:


  1. Select File=> Open and then select the file
  2. Select File=> Open As to select the standard applied to the file. After that select the file

Tool Menu Bar

  1. Select Open menu tools button and then select the file

2.3 Config Appearance


Change the Appearance to display different viewing columns of the record fields:

Field Name and Field Value are required options. The others are optional.

Click Save button the save the change.

2.4 Config Editor


Select the Editor to change:

Editor Options:

Log Options:

Click Save button the save the change.

2.5 Config Validation


Select the Validation to change the validation problem level. There are three level for each validation problem:

All those selected problems can be fixed automatically when fix the problems.

Click Save button the save the change.

2.6 Config Standard

Select the Standard to change standard applied to the ICL file when XEditor open it:
X9.37 Standard:

X9.100-180 Standard:

X9.100-187 Standard:

Click Save button the save the change.

2.7 Config Tags


Select the Tags to define the tag values which should be validated in the check images. In the same tag, each value should be seperated by comma.


2.8 View Check Image

View Check Image
Select Image Check Data (Type 52) record on the Control Panel and the check image is displayed in the Image Panel.
To zoom in/out the check image, drag the image :
  1. Press the button (/) on the menu tool bar
  2. Scroll the mide scroll wheel up/down
  3. Press [Escape] to return to the original size of check image

To pop up the detail of image, double click the check image.

Click the Print button to print the check image and the Tags button to display the check image validation (based on X9.100-181) result and tag information.


2.9 View Image Tags

View Check Image Tags
To view check image tags, X9.100-181 plugin license is required. There are two ways to view the check image tags:
  1. Select Image Check Data (Type 52) record on the Control Panel and then click the image data row on the Record Panel
  2. Select Image Check Data (Type 52) record on the Control Panel, double click the check image to pop up the detail check image, and then click the Tags button.

The image tags panel contains the information of the check Image.

Image Information:

Tag Values:

The status ball color of all validated tags is green if they contains valid value. Otherwise, the color is red. Click the tag with red status ball to display the error of the tag in the text area.

2.10 Validate File

Validate File

XEditor can validate the Image Cash Letter file automatically based on the standard as the file is opened or changed. All problems are listed in the Problem Panel. XEditor can support the following standards:

2.11 View Problems

View Problems

Problem Panel displays all validation problems in the Image Cash Letter file.

 - Indicate the problem in warning level
 - Indicate the probelm in error level

2.12 Export Problems

Export Problems

Save all problems in the Problem Panel to a CSV file.

2.13 Export Data

Export Data

Export the binary data in the source file to a new file.

2.14 Fix Problems

Fix Problems

Click Fix Problems to fix all the fixable problems within the Image Cash Letter file. All these fixable problems are those problems are selected in the Preferences => Validation

2.15 Edit Record

Edit Record

Double click the field value column to change the value of the field. Press [Enter] after the value is changed. XEditor validates the changed field value automatically. The status column of the field will be changed to:

2.16 Delete Records

Delete Records

Deleted selected cash letter header, bundle header or item record of the Image Cash Letter file. To undo the deleted record, click Undo.

2.17 Save File

Save File

Once the Image Cash Letter file is changed, the file can be saved in two ways:


  1. Select File=> Save to save the file
  2. Select File=> Save As to save the file to another file name. Options are provided to save the file:
    • Character Encoding
      • EBCDIC
      • ASCII
    • Byte Order
      • Big Endia <Intel>
      • Little Endia <Motorola>

Tool Menu Bar

  1. Select Save menu tools button to save the file

2.18 Print Record


Print the the contents(including check image) of the selected record in the Record Panel.

3. Menus

Menu Items





3.1 File


3.1.1 Open


Click Open to open a Image Cash Letter file. The file chooser displays all Image Cash Letter in a speicial extension. The default extension of listed Image Cash Letter file is .icl. The extension will be changed as file with another extension is opened. Choose All files to list all files in the folder.

3.1.2 Open As

Open As

Click Open As to open a specified standard applied to the Image Cash Letter file.

Here are the list of all available standards:

3.1.3 Save


Save the changes to the Image Cash Letter file. XEditor will prompt to save the file in another file name until the Save without prompt option is selected.

3.1.4 Save As

Save As

Save the Image Cash Letter file to another file name. Options are provided to save the file:

Click the Save button to save the file or Cancel to return.

3.1.5 Export Problems

Export Problems

Save all problems in the Problem Panel to a CSV file.

3.1.6 Export Data

Export Data

Export the binary data in the source file to a new file.

3.1.7 Print


Print the the contents(including check image) of the selected record in the Record Panel.

3.1.8 Close


Close the current opened Image Cash Letter file.

3.1.9 Recent Files

Recent Files

Links to open the last five loaded files.

3.2 Edit


3.2.1 Undo


Click Undo to undo the change of the the Image Cash Letter file before the changes are not saved.

3.2.2 Redo


Click Redo to redo the change of the the cash letter file before the changes are not saved.

3.2.3 Delete


Click Delete to delete the selected cash letter, bundle or item of the Image Cash Letter file. This is only enabled when the cash letter header record, bundle header or item record is selected.

3.2.4 Search


Click Search to search the Image Cash Letter file for the next field that matches the specified criteria and replace the contents of the field(s) with the new value. The Record Panel displays the matching record.


3.3 Tools


3.3.1 Fix Problems

Fix Problems

Click Fix Problems to fix all the fixable problems within the Image Cash Letter file. All these fixable problems are those problems are selected in the Preferences => Validation

3.3.2 Balance


Click Balance to balance the amount and count of the bundle, cash letter and file control records.

3.3.3 Zoom In

Zoom In

Click Zoom In button to zoom in the check image in the Image Panel.

3.3.4 Zoom Out

Zoom Out

Click Zoom Out to zoom out the check image in the Image Panel.

3.3.5 Preferences

Preferences Appearance


Change the Appearance to display different viewing columns of the record fields:

Field Name and Field Value are required options. The others are optional.

Click Save button the save the change. Editor


Select the Editor to change:

Editor Options:

Log Options:

Click Save button the save the change. Validation


Select the Validation to change the validation problem level. There are three level for each validation problem:

  • Ignore    - Problem is ignored. Color of ball is green
  • Warning - Problem is warning level. Color of ball is yellow
  • Error      - Problem is error level. Color of ball is red

All those selected problems can be fixed automatically when fix the problems.

Click Save button the save the change. Standard

Select the Standard to change standard applied to the ICL file when XEditor open it:
X9.37 Standard:

X9.100-180 Standard:

X9.100-187 Standard:

  • X9.100-187-2008

Click Save button the save the change. System


Select the System to change the Java Virtual Memory :

  • Minimum
    • 16M
    • 32M
    • 64M
    • 128M
    • 256M
    • 512M
    • 1,280M
  • Maximum
    • 256M
    • 512M
    • 768M
    • 1,024M
    • 1,280M
    • 1,536M
    • 2,048M

The default values are:  Minimum - 32M     Maximum - 256M.


Please adjust the JVM based on the maximum file size and your maximum machine physical memory size. It is better to set the JVM to 50% of your machine physical memory size.

File Size
JVM Options
0 - 30,000 items Minimum: 32M; Maximum: 256M
30,000 - 80, 000 items Minimum: 64M; Maximum: 512M
80,000 - 160,000 items Minimum: 128M; Maximum: 768M
160,000 - 240,000 items Minimum: 128M; Maximum: 1,024M
240,000 or more items Minimum: 256M; Maximum: 1,536M

For some reason,if you receive 'JNI exception: failde to create the Java VM. Reason: not enough memory.' when you start XEditor. in most cases this is not a memory problem (as the error message might suggest), but more likely a system permission setting that cause the JVM launch to fail. You may follow the steps to reset your JVM options:

1. Go to your XEditor installation folder.
2. Backup your XEditor.ini file in that folder.
3. Replace the XEditor.ini with XEditor.ini.org.

Click Save button the save the change. Tags


Select the Tags to define the tag values which should be validated in the check images. In the same tag, each value should be seperated by comma.


3.4 Help


3.4.1 About


Click About to display XEditor and license information:

3.4.2 Help


Click Help to open the use help document.

3.4.3 License


Add, remove and remove the license of XEditor:

Enter the licese code in the License fields. If the license code is valid, then the information of license will be displayed and the Add button is enabled. Press Add button to add the license code and then press Save button to save the license code.

4. ToolBars

Tools Bars


4.1 Open


Click Open to open a Image Cash Letter file. The file chooser displays all Image Cash Letter in a speicial extension. The default extension of listed Image Cash Letter file is .icl. The extension will be changed as file with another extension is opened. Choose All files to list all files in the folder.

4.2 Close


Close the current opened Image Cash Letter file.

4.3 Save


Save the changes to the Image Cash Letter file. XEditor will prompt to save the file in another file name until the Save without prompt option is selected.

4.4 Print


Print the the contents(including check image) of the selected record in the Record Panel.

4.5 Undo


Click Undo to undo the change of the the Image Cash Letter file before the changes are not saved.

4.6 Redo


Click Redo to redo the change of the the cash letter file before the changes are not saved.

4.7 Delete


Click Delete to delete the selected cash letter, bundle or item of the Image Cash Letter file. This is only enabled when the cash letter header record, bundle header or item record is selected.

4.8 Fix

Fix Problems

Click Fix Problems to fix all the fixable problems within the Image Cash Letter file. All these fixable problems are those problems are selected in the Preferences => Validation

4.9 Balance


Click Balance to balance the amount and count of the bundle, cash letter and file control records.

4.10 Search


Click Search to search the Image Cash Letter file for the next field that matches the specified criteria and replace the contents of the field(s) with the new value. The Record Panel displays the matching record.


4.11 Preferences


4.11.1 Appearance


Change the Appearance to display different viewing columns of the record fields:

Field Name and Field Value are required options. The others are optional.

Click Save button the save the change.

4.11.2 Editor


Select the Editor to change:

Editor Options:

Log Options:

Click Save button the save the change.

4.11.3 Validation


Select the Validation to change the validation problem level. There are three level for each validation problem:

  • Ignore    - Problem is ignored. Color of ball is green
  • Warning - Problem is warning level. Color of ball is yellow
  • Error      - Problem is error level. Color of ball is red

All those selected problems can be fixed automatically when fix the problems.

Click Save button the save the change.

4.11.4 Standard

Select the Standard to change standard applied to the ICL file when XEditor open it:
X9.37 Standard:

X9.100-180 Standard:

X9.100-187 Standard:

  • X9.100-187-2008

Click Save button the save the change.

4.11.5 System


Select the System to change the Java Virtual Memory :

  • Minimum
    • 16M
    • 32M
    • 64M
    • 128M
    • 256M
    • 512M
    • 1,280M
  • Maximum
    • 256M
    • 512M
    • 768M
    • 1,024M
    • 1,280M
    • 1,536M
    • 2,048M

The default values are:  Minimum - 32M     Maximum - 256M.


Please adjust the JVM based on the maximum file size and your maximum machine physical memory size. It is better to set the JVM to 50% of your machine physical memory size.

File Size
JVM Options
0 - 30,000 items Minimum: 32M; Maximum: 256M
30,000 - 80, 000 items Minimum: 64M; Maximum: 512M
80,000 - 160,000 items Minimum: 128M; Maximum: 768M
160,000 - 240,000 items Minimum: 128M; Maximum: 1,024M
240,000 or more items Minimum: 256M; Maximum: 1,536M

For some reason,if you receive 'JNI exception: failde to create the Java VM. Reason: not enough memory.' when you start XEditor. in most cases this is not a memory problem (as the error message might suggest), but more likely a system permission setting that cause the JVM launch to fail. You may follow the steps to reset your JVM options:

1. Go to your XEditor installation folder.
2. Backup your XEditor.ini file in that folder.
3. Replace the XEditor.ini with XEditor.ini.org.

Click Save button the save the change.

4.11.6 Tags


Select the Tags to define the tag values which should be validated in the check images. In the same tag, each value should be seperated by comma.


4.12 Zoom In

Zoom In

Click Zoom In button to zoom in the check image in the Image Panel.

4.13 Zoom Out

Zoom Out

Click Zoom Out to zoom out the check image in the Image Panel.